Ways to give your hair a vitamin boost

No matter what the season maybe but hair fall is a constant? We feel you ladies!

Having healthy hair and roots that aren’t prone to breakage and hair fall are tough to achieve but not impossible. We know how much you care for those long tresses and go the extra mile to prevent hair fall, but is there something you might be missing?

VITAMINS! Yes, that’s right. Vitamins for hair can be essential in reducing that hassle of hair fall every single time you brush your hair, untie them, wash them, or simply run your fingers through them. We all know that we need vitamin supplements for our whole body to function properly then why not hair? While our hair is mainly made of protein the several vitamins found in our body help that protein to build and protect our hair. Learn more about how vitamins can strengthen your hair.

You must be wondering, ‘How to give your hair a vitamin boost?’.

Read on to find out –

Vitamin Rich Food

Give your body that vitamin boost with various Vitamin Rich foods –

• Vitamin E: It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps rebuild damaged hair tissue. Some common sources include almonds, avocados, seeds, broccoli and more.
• Vitamin A: This vitamin produces the sebum found on scalp and keeps your hair healthy and nourished. It also helps prevent hair fall as the hair strands become less prone to breakage and dryness. Some common sources include cod liver oil, peaches, spinach, carrots etc.
• Vitamin C: An essential vitamin for hair loss, vitamin C holds the power to boost hair immunity and produce collagen. It helps in production of that vital protein that helps in building healthy hair, nails and eyes. Some common sources of Vitamin C include, oranges, lemons, red peppers, grapes, broccoli, strawberries, grapefruit and more.
• Vitamin D: While spending 15-20 minutes in the sun to get your daily dose of Vitamin D is perfect. You can also consume Vitamin D through rich foods like mushrooms, salmon, eel, milk and dairy.
• Biotin: This is one of the best and most essential vitamins for hair loss. It is a popular supplement for hair growth and is widely present in a lot of hair care products as well. The best source of biotin that can stop hair fall is natural foods like mushrooms, eggs, peanut butter, avocado etc.

Vitamin Masks

Vitamins works great when used internally as well externally. Applying Vitamin E or aloe vera externally reduces inflammation and increases blood circulation on the scalp which keeps it healthy. Healthy follicles are bound to grow out strong and healthy hair! Vitamin B12 mask also stimulates hair growth by fortifying the hair follicles & improves scalp blood circulation thereby reducing hair fall.

Vitamin in
Shampoos & Conditioner

The Pro-Vitamin B5 formula strengthens hair from within and nourishes hair from root to tip. It is a combination of 8 amino acids and vitamins that the Pantene signature & patented Pro-Vitamin B5 formula is made.

Vitamin rich deep conditioning
with oils

You can deep condition your using various ingredients which provide vitamin boost to your hair. Like Honey & Coconut Oil or Bananas are a great way of deep conditioning your hair as they are rich in natural oils and vitamins. You can also apply Olive oil or Grapeseed oil to your hair before washing. Onion seed oil is considered a boon to hair health. While these oils bring hassle of their own, you can deep condition your hair with the Pantene Open Hair Miracle. You can apply it on your hair 30 minutes before washing and wrap it with a hot towel. This ensures the oil replacement serum reaches your hair cuticles giving you soft, nourished hair without the hassles of oil. It is the best in class in the Daily Hair Oil Category as awarded by Vogue Beauty Awards.

While you can boost your hair immunity and strength with some of these best hair vitamins mentioned above, there are some regular habits too that you need to keep in mind to reduce hair fall.


• Do treat dry hair with a well nourishing and moisturizing hair care routine. Switching to Pantene’s Hair fall Control Shampoo and Conditioner for your daily use would be a shift worth trying. The Pro-Vitamin is sure to nourish your hair and scalp and make your gorgeous mane hair fall-free!
• Do take it easy. Occasionally, to not brush your hair or to leave them to air-dry are good things for strengthening your hair. Perming, straightening, curling, or dying your hair too much, over a long period of time, may cause hair loss. Learn more about how you can prevent damage of your hair from styling.
• Do head massages as they stimulate blood circulation in scalp and increase hair strength.
• Do cover your hair with a hat or a scarf when stepping out to protect them from excessive heat, dust, pollution, and harsh UV rays.


• Don’t put your tresses in close contact with your hair dryer as this causes breakage and a frizzy look instead of a smooth one.
• Don’t over brush your hair as this spreads sebum from the scalp to the lengths giving you an oily look.
• Don’t skip conditioner! Pick a suitable conditioner from our Pantene Hairfall Control Range to compliment your hair type and feel the goodness of Pantene’s unique Pro-Vitamin formula protecting your hair from breakage, damage and hair fall.
• Don’t scrub your hair to dry them. Simply press them gently against a towel to prevent breakage and hair fall.

We know just how much your love those beautiful tresses! Going that extra mile to keep them healthy and strong is not going to be that difficult after all. A very effective multivitamin for hair is Pantene’s patented Pro-Vitamin B5 formula. Pantene Hair fall Control Shampoo and Conditioner is infused with this powerful ingredient along with Fermented Rice Water which is responsible for protecting your tresses from hair fall and keeping them healthy!

A simple switch is sure to make a difference.

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