Embrace the power of #FREEDOMHAIR and become the narrator of your own story!

Indian girls in school want to live on their own terms, but their lives are often regimented, following scripts written by parents, teachers & society. Even her hair is set tight in two braids, not allowing her the freedom to wear it as she wants. As she enters college, she wants her first taste of freedom but still doesn’t get the freedom she desires. Family & society continue to constrain her on the choices she can truly make, defining her life. The one choice she can make, is to finally wear her hair open, & free.

Pantene heard young girls talk about these sentiments during their transition from school to college in terms of the opportunities they see, what freedom means to them and the power that freedom to wear their hair their own way, can give them. With the #FreedomHair Campaign, Pantene tries to capture this emotion & invites young girls to join the conversation & embrace the freedom to write their own story, on their own terms, to create a revolution or re-write history. Pantene believes it can begin the day they decide to wear their hair the way they want to, having their #FreedomHair! Hair that is free of hair fall, which she can leave open every day, & like a superhero cape she wears that gives her the confidence to write her own story.

With the #FreedomHair campaign, Pantene is partnering with Sattva, a mission-driven organisation that provides scalable solutions for social impact. This unique partnership aims to help young girls across India embrace the power of Freedom Hair & become the narrators of their own story. As a part of this association, Pantene with Sattva will inspire action among the young girls through workshops & internships across multiple passion areas & skills, giving them the freedom to pursue their dreams & passions.