Hair serum: let's bust the myths and know the facts

Hair serum is undoubtedly the all-time lifesaver for any girl. It has lots of benefits including frizz control and hair moisturization. But what if we told you that silky hair also requires hair serum?

Yup, you heard it right!
Today, let’s bust some myths about Hair Serum! There are several uses of hair serum but first, it is important to know what serum is and how it works.

  1. What is a hair serum?
  2. What are the uses of hair serum?
  3. Hair serum: myths & facts –


    Hair serum is a concoction of oils and nourishing elements to help you control frizzy hair and make it smooth and shiny, ready to take on the world.


    Hair serum benefits your hair in various ways. While there are various frizzy hair solutions available, hair serum is one of the best to tackle the problem. But that is not all it does. Hair serum can help with hair fall control, moisturizing your hair, protecting hair while heat styling and so much more!


    There are many myths & facts associated with what hair serums are, how to reduce hair fall with serums, uses of hair serums, whether to use them or not, etc.
    Here’s a list of some of them -

    Hair Serum is for frizzy hair – MYTH
    Hair serum benefits all hair types, including silky hair. There are many hair serums for frizzy hair, but if you pick your serum according to your hair type and catering to your hair goals, it is sure to make your hair better and shinier, which is one of the uses of hair serum.

    Hair serum is just a fancy name for oil – MYTH
    This is not true. Hair serum is a very different composition from that of hair oil. Hair oils are massaged into the roots and nourish your hair from the inside while hair serum is used directly on your locks and gives you silky hair with a soft texture and shine instantly.

    Hair Serum should not be applied to the roots of the hair – FACT
    Like said before, a serum is not oil. Hair serum generally consists of vitamin oils, essential oils, alcohol, and water. It is not meant to be applied to the roots since its composition is meant to nourish your hair externally. So, serum should be applied from your mid-length to your tips, not massaged into the roots like hair oil.

    Hair serum is only used before heat styling – MYTH
    One of the uses of hair serum is to protect your hair while you style them as a heat protectant. Hair serums create a protective layer over your hair that it protects it from the heat damage caused by various styling tools. Apart from protection, a heat protectant like Pantene Open Hair Miracle nourishes your hair and prevents frizz.

    Hair Serum makes your hair oily – MYTH
    Hair serum has benefits and side effects. If applied correctly, it gives you benefits like making your hair shiny and lustrous. However, if you apply more than the recommended amount, it can show side effects and leave your hair feeling greasy and heavy. So how do you apply serum correctly?
    Divide your hair into two parts. Take half the recommended amount for each side and rub it on your fingertips. Then apply it from the mid-lengths to the tips of your hair. Then use a comb to even out the application. When applied correctly, hair serum will leave your hair looking beautiful and shiny and not sticky or limp.

    Hair Serum helps take out knots easily – FACT
    When taking out knots, hair serum acts as a hair moisturizer. When applied before combing, it helps the comb go through your hair better, taking out knots painlessly! Isn’t this one of the best uses of hair serum?

    Applying hair serum causes hair to dry out the next day – MYTH
    What does serum do to hair? When you pick a proper serum that suits your hair type, it gives you many benefits. But if you choose a serum without looking into its ingredients, it can give side effects like drying out your hair, it can be a reason for hair fall too caused by hair breakage and tangles.

    You should not apply serum in thin hair because it’ll make it lose its volume – MYTH
    Thinner hair needs to stay moisturized for them to stay healthy and be devoid of hair fall. A hair serum for frizzy hair will obviously make hair appear silkier and healthier but one made for thinner hair will leave them looking thick and voluminous.

    Hair serum makes your hair color fade – MYTH
    Hair serum will not harm the color of your hair, whether it is its natural color or one that has been chemically applied. It will work as the exact opposite. A hair serum will moisturize your colored hair giving them more strength, luster and prevent them from looking damaged, dead & frail.

    You need not apply serum after conditioning your hair – MYTH
    Okay, this one might not be a total myth. It asks the question of “when should you apply hair serum?” Here, it depends on the type of your hair. If your hair feels nourished after conditioning, you can skip serum. But if you feel like your hair needs another layer of moisturization, serum is your absolute best friend. After all, you know what’s best for your hair.

    You can try the Pantene Open Hair Miracle which is a multi-purpose miracle solution that has 4 benefits in one product. It acts as an oil replacement, leave-in conditioner, serum and as a heat protectant.

    It might be a tedious process to find the best serum for you in this sea of haircare products, but when you do it will all be worth it. After all, you will have glossy, frizz-free, voluminous hair every day! Are you ready for that iconic hair flip with Pantene?

Serums & Hair Oils
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