Worried about winter hair fall? Here’s how you can tackle it!

Ah, winter! The season of sparkle, the season of celebration, the season of hot chocolate and of soups that warm the soul! There’s often one complaint though! Everything seems to dry up – Your lips, your skin and of course your hair! It isn’t uncommon since winter is when hair and scalp problems are at an all-time high. So, does hair fall actually increase in winter? If yes, then how to reduce hair fall in the winter? Here’s where you can find out! But first, let’s discuss the reasons for winter hair problems.

What causes excessive hair fall during winters?

Simply put, during winters, the air outside is dry and sucks out all the moisture from your scalp, leading to hair and scalp problems. Since the surroundings are dry, your scalp dries out too, which in turn causes dandruff and makes your scalp itchy and smelly. An increase in dandruff can also contribute to increase in hair fall.

Scientifically speaking, the hydrogen bonds in your hair strands become weak, resulting in dry hair, breakage, split ends. So, yes hair fall does increase in winter.

Now that we’re established that, how can I stop hair fall problem in winter? You can’t stop it completely. But you can definitely prevent it and reduce it.

Here are some ways you can prevent hair fall in winter –

1. Moisturize!

Logically speaking, cold temperatures make your hair dry out. So, in order to revive your hair, you need to moisturize it! As simple as that, isn’t it? Give yourself hot oil massages. If you can’t seem to find the time, use Pantene Open Hair Miracle – Oil Replacement regularly. This will help your hair stay hydrated and healthy.

Find time to deep-condition your hair at least once a week. Use a hair mask. Along with this, use an Anti-Dandruff product to keep your dandruff in control, and ensure a healthy scalp. We also recommend using Pantene 2in1 Advanced Hairfall Solution – Hairfall Control to reduce hairfall, moisturize your strands and ensure healthy, smooth hair. Steam your hair. It has many benefits and can help you regain hair strength, reduce dullness and increase moisture content in your hair strands and scalp. Taking steam opens hair follicles and makes them smooth and shiny. Get a hair-spa at least once a month. Don’t worry too much! It’s not difficult to stop excessive hair fall in winter with conditioner and shampoos.

Here are three quick home remedies for winters you can follow at home to help moisturize your hair and prevent hair fall during winter –

- Yogurt & Lemon Juice – Squeeze a few drops (about a teaspoon) in a bowl of yogurt and mix. Apply the mask on your scalp till the mid-lengths. Leave for half an hour, then rinse. Benefits: This mask will help moisturize the scalp reduce hair fall by acting as a natural conditioner.

- Yogurt & Neem Leaves – Crush a few neem leaves and add the juice in a bowl of yogurt. Mix well and apply the mask from your scalp till mid lengths. Leave for half an hour, then rinse. Benefits: Neem is antifungal and helps fight fungal infections on the scalp caused by dandruff. Yogurt conditions and moisturizes your hair.

- Neem Leaves & Coconut Oil – Take a few neem leaves and boil them with a bowl of coconut oil, enough to infuse. Then, strain the oil and apply from your scalp till mid lengths while still warm. Give yourself a nice massage. Leave for a minimum of two hours before rinsing. Benefits: Neem is antifungal and acts against fungus on the scalp caused by dandruff. It can prevent an itchy and smelly scalp. Coconut oil moisturizes the scalp and strands and helps reduce hair fall. The massage will help you relax as well as make the oil seep better in the scalp and strands.

2. Don’t wash your hair with hot water, just don’t!

We’re no stranger to the relaxing effect a long, hot shower can have on your body and mind during winters. But it often does the reverse for your hair. Washing your hair with very hot water can strip the strand of whatever little moisture it has left. And while we understand how much you need these hot showers, we recommend lowering the temperature of the water while washing your hair. You can tie your hair in a bun or wear a shower cap before taking a hot shower and relax, without having to worry about damaging your hair.

3. Say no to heat-styling!

This one is no different than the previous point. Just for a few months, embrace your natural locks! Heat-styling can ruin all the hard-work you did to moisturize and revive your hair. It strips your hair of its moisture and breaks chemical bonds on your strands resulting in breakage and split ends. Say no to heat-styling, at least in the winter. This is one big step you need to take to deal with hair fall in winter.

4. Eat Well, Sleep Well, Stay Well!

We cannot stress enough on the importance of a healthy diet and proper beauty sleep. Eating well and sleeping well can do wonders for your hair health! Eating nutritious, vitamin rich foods can help your hair withstand the winter cold. Don’t believe us? Try it yourself!

Now that you know these easy steps to prevent hair fall during winters, we’re sure you will follow them, maintain strong, moisturized and smooth locks and get the perfect hair flips, even in winter!


Find the right solution to your winter hair fall problem with Pantene. Get your hands on the effective winter hair care tips & tricks to get rid of your hair problems.

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