A quick guide to DIY curls at home!

Be it the Monday morning presentation or the Friday night with the girls, we love going with the natural beach waves when it comes to our hairstyle. Styling your hair and getting those perfect curls can be difficult, but not impossible. All these hair curlers and other heating tools might give you those perfect beach waves, but the heat ends up damaging your hair and causes hair breakage.

We all love trying new hairstyles and are often confused about how to give our hair a trendy new look. Trying out curly hair at times is really fun and it even enhances your quirky side. But the tiring sessions with the hair irons are something we all worry about. Not only do these electric tools damage our hair big time, but also, they take away all the shine making our hair look dead and dry.

What if we tell you that we have some natural ways to get those impeccable curls at home? So, get your hair gears ready, and let us take you through some of the most efficient hair curling tips at home using Pantene Open Hair Miracle, which will add more life to your hair without any heat damage!

  1. Beach waves with the braids
  2. Bounce it up with those hair rollers
  3. Lazy waves with a twist
  4. Scrunch it up for natural curls
  5. Hot waves with Hair curler

1. Beach waves with the braids:

The good old traditional method of getting those cute natural curls. Yes, just tying your hair in a braid overnight will get you the perfect hairstyle to rock the next morning. Depending on the type of curls you want, you can choose the braid style. If you want those loose beachy waves, tie your hair in a loose braid, but if you love those heavy curls, divide your hair into three parts and tie each of them in a braid. Applying a little amount of Pantene Open Hair Miracle will add that extra shine and bounce to your hair. So be it the bouncy curls or just the lazy waves, tying a braid overnight can save you!d

2. Bounce it up with those hair rollers:

Taking this one from our moms, hair rollers are by far the most reliable. This heatless curls-trick does magic to your hair and gives you those bouncy curls without too much hassle. Just apply a small amount of Pantene Open Hair Miracle on wet hair and plug-in those hair rollers to your hair. Let your hair dry naturally and voilà! Those magical curls will come out great. Our moms loved it for a reason!

3. Lazy waves with a twist:

A quick yet efficient way to get those curls right. Just part your hair into two halves and twist each side and tie them in a bun. Leave your twisted hair for two hours and let it open after that to get a gorgeous hairstyle for a night out with friends. If you want to add some more shine, bounce and get silky hair to this no-heat hairstyle, you can add Pantene Open hair miracle before twisting your hair in a bun.

4. Scrunch it up for natural curls:

Running late for your best friend’s party? Don’t worry, we’ve got another trick to get those cute curls in just no time. Right after you come out of the shower, apply Pantene’s Open Hair Miracle to your wet hair and crunch it up till you see the curls forming. Let your hair dry naturally and by the time you get ready, your hair is done too!

Exactly, as easy as it sounds. Scrunching up your hair will give it a burly and bouncy texture and adding our Open Hair miracle to it, which works like a serum will just level up your game.

5. Hot waves with Hair curler:

The last one is obviously the quick yet tiring method of using an electric hair curler and getting salon-style waves at home. Now that we have mentioned the hair curler, we understand your concerns about damaging your hair or your hair getting all frizzy. Heating tools damage your hair and make it dry and frizzy. Well, to combat all these problems, use Pantene Open Hair Miracle, just a little amount of which will give your hair the freedom it deserves. Pantene Open Hair Miracle protects your hair from the heat and allows you to play with that curler whenever you like without worrying about the damage! (What a relief right?)

Just take a walnut size of Open Hair miracle and apply it to your hair before styling it and you’re good to go!

While you’re trying to find new ways to curl your hair, don’t forget to take good care of it. Styling your hair on a regular basis can cause damage and hair breakage. Using our Open Hair Miracle while styling will give your hair the freedom to shine and bounce. It not only just protects your hair from damage but also adds volume and gloss to your hair.

So be it the Monday blues hitting you hard or a surprise party with friends, our curly hair tips have got you covered. Now even if you don’t want to use those heat tools, having salon-style curly hair at home is just an easy-peazy task!


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