Best Ways To Reduce Excessive Hair Fall At Home Banner Image



Does your bathroom drain gets clogged up every time you shower? Haven’t we all worried about excessive hair fall and how it affects our self-esteem? We all know hair adds so much to our individuality, personality, and style. No wonder we call it our “crowning glory”.

And ironically, we do lose a little bit of our crown each day. On average, we all may lose anything between 50-100 strands a day. If your hair fall ranges anything more than that, it is something you should worry about and perhaps visit a dermatologist if the problem persists or worsens.

While it is one hair condition that causes more stress and worries and in today’s lifestyle is caused heavily due to the same, it also is caused due to genetics, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, poor diet, bad hair health, severe conditions like Alopecia, medicine side effect, etc.

Well now that you know in brief what can cause hair fall, let us get to the solution of dealing with the excess hair fall situation.


Many things can be considered when it comes to the nurturing of hair and blocking hair fall. While a regulated diet and a hair care regime to control your hair fall, is a dedicated process, it helps the most in the long run. In the meantime, here are some hair care tips that you can include in your routine to reduce the weakening of your locks -

  • The Right Shampoo

  • The most important step in hair care is understanding your scalp type and choosing the right shampoo to reduce hair fall. You can try the Pantene Hairfall Control Shampoo as it contains Pro-Vitamin B5 which helps in strengthening your hair from within, giving you healthy hair fall-free hair. Remember that washing hair regularly is a must for a healthy hair routine. Healthy hair starts at the roots, therefore, keeping the roots clean is extremely important. The accumulation of dirt, dust, and sebum can leave your hair looking and feeling oily. Frequent hair washes eliminate the build-up of dirt and sweat, keeping your hair oil-free and less prone to dandruff.

  • Don’t skip the Conditioner

  • Choosing a good conditioner can do miracles for your tresses, helping in repairing the damaged hair and keeping them smooth. Using a conditioner provides a variety of benefits as preventing hair breakage, tangling of strands, and adds body to your locks. The most important part of any hair care or hair wash routine is using conditioner and serums, Shampoo strips your hair of the moisture while cleaning the scalp & the hair.

    Many people believe that using conditioners often causes hairfall. This is a myth & should not be followed or believed. The truth is that conditioners help detangle your hair therefore making them manageable and soft. One must infact use a conditioner after every hair wash to replenish your hair with the lost moisture due to shampooing. You can try the Pantene Hairfall Control conditioner for beautiful, tangle-free hair.

  • Exercise away

  • Cannot stress more on the importance of exercise. It is essential for our bodies to be active. Yoga, meditation or even walks can do wonders for your body and hair, as exercising increases blood flow to your scalp.

  • Healthy diet for healthy hair

  • Our hair, like any other part of our body, requires nutrition. Eating a balanced diet with a good amount of vitamins and proteins is essential for good hair health and to reduce hair fall. Your diet should include vitamins like, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamins C, Vitamin D & Vitamin E. Whatever you eat, reflects on your body and hair so it is important to stay healthy from within.

  • No-no to tight hairstyles

  • Do you find yourself constantly pulling your hair back in a bun or a ponytail? These styles tend to damage the follicles and in time cause hair to break. Always tie your hair in loose braids so that it avoids your hair to tug or pull back.

  • Avoid brushing hair when wet

  • Many of us hop out of a shower and tend to almost immediately run a brush through our damp hair to untangle. But brushing wet strands can cause hair fall and breakage as wet hair are more delicate. Let your hair air-dry as much as possible putting a brush to them, if necessary, use a wide-toothed comb along the strands of your damp hair. Apply a walnut size of Pantene Open Hair Miracle before combing to smoothen them out.

  • Satin-pillow to the rescue

  • One should opt for 100% polyester satin as it minimizes bed head, frizziness & tangles caused due to the hair friction on the below. This results in decreased hair breakage and hair fall, giving you healthy & nourished hair.

  • Hassle-free Oil Massage

  • It is extremely important to take good care of your hair by keeping it clean and maintaining them. Oil massage is the core of good hair care. Applying hair oil on the scalp and providing it with a soft massage helps in increasing the blood flow to the follicles and strengthens your hair roots. While oil can nourish your hair, it can get very messy because of the stickiness & the hassle it brings with it. You can also opt for Pantene Open Hair Miracle as an alternative. It is the perfect oil replacement without the stickiness & the hassle.

Losing your hair can be very stressful. These home pro-tips will ease a portion of your stress about excessive hair fall, ironically, which is one of the major reasons for hair loss, as mentioned before.

Hairfall can be a frustrating and embarrassing experience, and you are not alone if you are looking for a solution. Other than all the natural ways to stimulate hair growth and reduce excessive hair fall at home, one easy resolve is the regular use of Pantene Hairfall Control Shampoo and Conditioner as it contains Pro-Vitamins which help strengthen and nourish your hair from within. You can try the Pantene solution to counter hairfall.

However, if the hairfall problem still persists it might require medical attention. In such a scenario, I would recommend you to visit a dermatologist.


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