How to Get Rid of Split Ends


At some point in our life, we all have faced the wrath of dry and damaged hair ends that result in spilt ends. What are these spilt ends? They refer to the splitting or fraying of the hair shaft, usually due to damage caused to the hair. This is very common and usually happens to people with longer hair, as the ends of hair that is longer don’t get as much nutrition and tend to dry out. This makes the outer most part of the hair, called the cuticle, damaged and exposes the core of the hair strand. This makes damaged hair dry, dull and difficult to manage or style and we often find us tucking our hair ends into a bun to hide the damaged hair ends or run to the salon to get rid of it.

  1. Causes of Split Ends
  2. How To Get Rid Of Split Ends
  3. Can Hair Creams and Serums Reduce Split Ends?


Let us first understand what causes spilt ends in order to treat & prevent them better. There can be various reasons for split ends to happen. Some may be preventable while others might not be.

1. Extreme weather conditions

Hair can get damaged when the weather conditions are not ideal for hair health. Extreme heat or cold can dry up your hair and cause splitting or fraying of the hair shaft. Rough winds can also damage the hair shaft dude to friction and cause split ends.

2. Hair products

The kind of products you use on your hair can directly have an effect on your hair health, which is why you should always be careful to check whether the products you use contains any harmful ingredients or not, or if they suit your hair type.

3. Heat styling and chemical treatments

The use of heat styling tools and chemical treatments on hair are very extreme and irreversibly damage your hair. They lead to thinning of hair, split ends, hair fall, hair breakage, and various other hair problems.

4. Everyday wear and tear

Hair can be damaged by everyday friction as well. This happens over a period of time and is mostly unavoidable. It is also not anything to worry about as it is a very natural part of hair growth.


You must be wondering “Are spilt ends curable?’, “Are spilt ends reversible?”, “What are the solutions of spilt ends?’, “Can you avoid spilt ends?’’, so on and so forth.

Let’s take it one by one before jumping to the solutions.

No, spilt ends are not curable or reversible but yes, they can be avoided & prevented with the right solutions and hair care.

1. Right way to towel dry your hair

Your hair is actually most vulnerable during the drying process, so you must avoid rubbing your hair dry vigorously with a towel. This will result in more hair fall due to breakage. You can instead squeeze the extra water out from our hair and use a cotton towel to wrap your hair

2. Correct blow-drying technique

It is essential to correctly blow dry your hair. You must avoid hot air and use cold blast dry instead to avoid spilt ends. You can also use a heat protectant like Pantene Open Hair Miracle to protect your hair from the heat damage.

3. Avoid excessive heat styling

It is always advisable to avoid styling using heat styling equipment as much as possible. These damage your hair over a period. If you can’t avoid it, at least limit the usage in order to avoid long term damage and always use a heat protectant before styling. You can use Pantene Open Hair Miracle before styling your hair to protect it from the heat damage as well as to keep your hair manageable.

4. Good hair routine

You must always follow a good hair routine - using shampoo & conditioner every time you wash your hair. This will ensure that your hair remains clean & nourished.

5. Regular trims

Get your hair ends trimmed often to avoid spilt ends from further scaling up and causing more damage. The hair follicle should not continue to break and snap along the hair shaft so trimming once in 6 to 8 weeks is a good habit. It’s advised to use a lot of hydrating products on your hair to give them ample moisture and hydration to make sure they don’t dry out at the ends.

This brings us to the real question:


In short, the answer is yes.

Hair creams and serums contain a lot of hydration and moisture locking properties and can also act as a hair fall control. These provide your hair with the moisture it needs to not dry out and remain healthy. Healthy hydrated hair is lush, looks gorgeous and is easier to maintain. Hair is also stronger and less prone to breakage and damage when well hydrated.

However, this does not mean that hair creams and serums can get rid of existing split ends. They can certainly prevent them to a large extent, and using deep conditioning masks and shine serums can disguise split ends very well, along with some proper hair styling, but the only real Split end remedy to get rid of split ends is to trim them off.

This is why a regular hair care routine is so important to keep your hair healthy and happy.

You can apply a good serum like Pantene Open Hair Miracle on damp hair after hair wash or as a heat protectant before styling. You also use it as a deep conditioning treatment once a week by applying it before your hair wash routine and wrapping it with a hot towel for about 30 minutes, as a pre shampoo treatment. This can go a long way in preventing split ends and will keep your hair nourished & moisturized.

Spilt up with those spilt ends with Pantene!

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