Wondering what hair porosity is? Let’s help you understand!

You must have come across the term hair porosity often and have no idea what it means. The concept can be confusing, but we have an easier way for you to understand this. Think of your hair like a sponge. The more pores a sponge has, the easier it is to absorb water or any other liquid. In the same way, our hair has pores and a level of porosity. Once you understand what porous hair is, you can transform the way your hair looks and use products that compliment your hair type. You will also have answers to why your hair weighs down when you apply a heavy cream-based product or why does a hairstyle not last on your hair.

  1. What is hair porosity and what is the cause behind it?
  2. How do you test your hair porosity?
  3. How to care for your hair according to your porosity level?
  4. Is hair porosity important to take care of?

A] What is hair porosity and what is the cause behind it?

Hair porosity means the hair’s ability or how easily it absorbs and retains moisture. The outermost layer of your hair determines how porous your hair is. The porosity of your hair mainly depends on your genetics. External factors like pollution, humidity, excessive use of heating tools, using harsh products, chemical treatments, and over washing also have a significant effect.

Porous hair can be of three types- low, medium, and high. Low porosity hair is when the cuticles are closely bound. This hair type does not allow moisture to penetrate or escape (once in your hair). Medium hair porosity means when the cuticles are distributed evenly across the outer layer of your hair. This hair type allows moisture to penetrate and retain for a long time. Lastly, high porosity hair has wide spaces between the cuticles. This hair type allows moisture to penetrate easily but is not able to retain moisture for long.

B] How do you test your hair porosity?

We are sure you must be wondering about your hair porosity type. We have a quick hair porosity test to find your hair type and then take care of your hair accordingly. There are three methods to find out your hair porosity, they are -

1. The Float Test

This is the easiest and most definite way to find out the answer. This method involves taking a glass of water and a strand of your hair. Your hair should be washed and cleaned as any oils or chemicals can alter your result. Drop the strand of your hair in the glass and observe where your hair floats after a few minutes. If your hair sinks completely, you may have high hair porosity. If your hair is floating up, you may have low hair porosity, and if it is in the middle, you may have medium hair porosity.

2. Spray Some Water Test

This method requires spraying a bottle of water on your hair. After spraying, observe whether your hair is absorbing the water quickly or beading up on your hair. If it is forming beads, you may have low porosity hair, and if it is absorbing fast, you may have high porosity hair.

3. Touch Your Hair Test

This method requires holding a strand of your hair and slide your fingers towards your scalp. If you find your hair smooth with no bumps, you may have low hair porosity. If you find a lot of bumps on the strand of your hair, you might have high hair porosity.

We recommend the first method to be fully sure of your hair porosity level.

C] How to care for your hair according to your porosity level?

1. Low Hair Porosity -

Low porosity hair means that your hair is moisture resistant. A common problem with this hair type is that your hair looks weighed down as the hair product does not get absorbed easily. You have to make sure moisture is set in your hair, and you will look flawless all day. We recommend using liquid-based products or diluting your conditioner with water before applying as it will help avoiding product build-up. You can try our Pantene Hairfall Control Shampoo & Conditioner Range for healthy hair.

2. Medium Hair Porosity -

Medium hair porosity is an easy type of hair to maintain as moisture can penetrate and retain itself for a long time. This hair type can be styled and coloured but be careful not to do it often. Medium hair porosity is tough to maintain and can change over time if too many chemicals are applied. We recommend using a deep conditioner once a month and heat protectants when styling your hair like Pantene Open Hair Miracle.

3. High Hair Porosity -

If your hair tends to get frizzy, suffers from dryness and breakage, you have high hair porosity. This hair type can absorb moisture easily but finds it tough to retain it. Using heat styling tools and colouring is a big no-no for you as your hair is already very brittle. In dry weather, this hair type can suffer from excessive drying, and in humid weather, this hair type can suffer from frizziness and often lead to hair fall causes. We recommend using a leave-in conditioner which will help seal in the moisture in your hair. Try using our Pantene Open Hair Miracle, which has 4 benefits in 1. It is the holy grail for your hair as it is moisturizing and a heat protectant as well. This magic product will help you seal the moisture in your hair and will keep your frizz at bay. We also recommend avoiding the use of hot water while washing or conditioning your hair as heat can damage your hair making it brittle and prone to hair fall.

D] Is hair porosity important to take care of?

Yes, understanding the concept of hair porosity is very crucial. It will help you determine which products to use, and which styling will suit your hair. In conclusion, there is no good or bad hair type. All you need to do is find out your hair type with the help of the hair porosity test. The test will help you choose the correct products, and nothing can stop your hair from being shiny, healthy, and strong!

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