Is Lack of Sleep one of your Hair Fall Reasons?

So, this age-old question has been bothering you and now you want some answers, does lack of sleep really cause hair fall? Whether it is for yourself “oh my poor sleeping habits are responsible for all my hair fall problems” Or if it’s for someone you know who has been losing hair recklessly and you look at them and wonder “Is it because of their ridiculous schedule and zero sleep?” Whatever the reason is, we know that you’re probably wondering whether or not Lack of proper sleep is responsible for your hair fall problems. Don’t worry we got this covered for you that too with some serious science to back us up.

  1. How does lack of sleep cause hair loss
  2. Tips to improve sleep hygiene
  3. Does lack of sleep cause hair loss

How does lack of sleep cause hair loss?

So to answer your question “Does lack of sleep cause hair loss? Or does sleep affect hair loss?”, let's just start off by saying Yes! Unfortunately Lack of sleep is one of the contributing factors to your hair fall problems. Amongst the many hair fall reasons lack of sleep definitely is in the top ten. But when you look at it scientifically the matter is a little more complicated than that but one thing is for sure, lack of sleep and hair fall are more related to each other than you would think.

The thing is lack of proper sleep causes stress. Too much stress leads to brain overload and that causes hair fall. Stress is one of the top causes of hair fall and According to our experts when you experience deep sleep at night a sewage system activates within your brain system at a high gear and it starts to wash away a toxic protein called Beta Amyloid. So if you are not getting enough sleep each and every night more of that toxic protein will build up. The more protein that builds up, the greater your stress levels and the greater risk of going on to develop Dementia in later life. You see Hair fall is more related to stress but it is really important to understand how much of that stress is caused by a lack of proper sleep. In order to have good hair and proper brain functioning, good quality sleep every night is extremely important especially in this stress driven modern era.

Tips to improve sleep hygiene and avoid hair fall problems:

There are a few tried and tested ways to improve your Sleep hygiene. Sleep Hygiene means going through a routine that trains your brain and body to know when to sleep. Proper sleep hygiene also ensures that you do not suffer hair fall due to lack of sleep. Here are a few sleep hygiene tips we have for you that you could apply to your daily life to have quality sleep every night and improve the quality of your hair as well .

1. Get a sleep routine:

You have got a lot of work to finish before the deadline or you have to study for that really important exam or your favorite show’s new season just dropped on your favorite streaming app today and you’ve got to binge it before someone spoils it for you online. We know you don’t have time to waste on your sleep but that needs to dial down a bit. In order for you to have good quality sleep every night you need to have a sleep routine which is basically about going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time everyday. If you practice a sleep routine everyday your body will know when to go to bed and when to stay awake. It will slow down a bit to make you a little drowsy around your bedtime in order for you to have a good sleep.Never forget your why? Because Lack of sleep and Hair loss goes hand in hand.

2. Dim lights, cool temperature:

Another really important tip to add into your sleep ritual is to Dim the lights in the bedroom before you sleep. You see when it’s dark, your body automatically associates it with the night time and starts preparing itself for some nappy nap time. It’s the old school basic primal stuff. Also, if you can, try to cool down the temperature in your bedroom since your body rests better in a mildly cooler temperature than at room temperature. This also explains why you like to sleep better with one of your feet out of the blanket.

3. Read a book:

The idea here is not to get you to read about Elon Musk’s next Space X project and the science behind it but something that lightens your mood. Remember, the goal isn’t for you to really learn something but to get you to sleep. Something like a fantasy novel set in a world different than ours. This really relaxes your mind and you'll have a better sleep. Also It doesn’t have to be the best novel in the world. A boring one would do the job equally well if not better. Now it’s equally important to know what you shouldn’t read. Avoid reading newspapers right before you go to bed or any form of social media especially twitter. It has been proven that it has a more negative effect on your sleep than positive because of all the anxieties that come with it. Do not check your emails. Don’t read anything stressful like the news or facebook. Stress must be avoided at all costs because it will probably cause you more hair fall than lack of sleep.

4. Limit your naps in the day to less than 30 minutes:

If you are a daytime sleeping beauty you might wanna avoid long naps going forward. Power Naps are good for your health and have a more positive effect on your overall sleep quality but long day time naps would do you more harm than good. Try to get a 20-30 minutes power nap in the day to re-energise your body but not more than that.

5. Avoid Digital Simulations:

As mentioned earlier you should always avoid using social media before going to bed not only because of its psychological effects but the other physiological damages it does. Tone of the light that comes from your phone or tablet has a bluish tint to it similar to bluish lights in the morning and so it’s a biological trigger to wake up. Blue lights tend to trigger alertness on the contrary yellow lights trigger calmness. Avoid using your phones or computers before bed but if it’s something really important make sure you turn to it’s night mode settings or turn it’s brightness down as low as possible. Do not check your emails. Don’t read anything stressful like the news or social media.

6. No caffeine at least 4-6 hours before bed:

Ideally you should avoid caffeine entirely not only to give your body proper rest but also for the overall health of your hair. It has been proven that just one cup of coffee in the morning can affect your sleep for up-to 48 hours. But if you can’t cut it down you should still avoid caffeine at least 4-6 hours prior to your bedtime. One of the things you can practice to quit caffeine is to try to go off caffeine for a week. 1-4 days into it you might feel tired, but 5th day onwards you’ll start to feel even better than when you were on caffeine. You’ll feel more energized, you’ll get things done quicker without feeling like a zombie but most importantly you’ll not stay up at night so late and it’ll be easier to fall asleep. And the better your sleep hygiene the better it is for your Hair hygiene.

PRO TIP: In this progressive age we understand that as much as you want to get your 8 hour beauty sleep it’s just isn’t possible sometimes. No matter what you do, no new method seems to be the one for you. Sometimes we just wish there were more hours in a day. Maybe it is a possibility in a parallel universe but not in our reality. Now that we know that lack of proper sleep does affect hair loss it still shouldn’t be an excuse for you not having fabulous hair.

Does lack of sleep cause hair loss?

Now we know the answer to that is an inevitable ‘Yes’. But y’all know we are always here for you guys. So, chillax girls don’t overthink it because all your prayers have been heard and that is why we here at Pantene came up with its Advanced Hairfall Solution range, especially designed for the modern-day hair related worries. With its Pro-vitamin B5 formula it protects your hair from hair fall, frizziness and nourishes it. The range comes with an Advanced Hairfall Solution Shampoo that cleans your scalp deep while inducing hair growth, hence reducing hair fall worries, and an Advanced Hairfall Solution Conditioner that nourishes the damaged hair lengths and protects it. So in the meantime while you take your time to practice and perfect the art of a good sleep hygiene allow Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution to take care of your hair for you.

Where are you going? The good news is not over yet. To add more life to your absolutely luscious hair that Pantene Advanced Hairfall range promises to give you we also have Pantene’s Open Hair Miracle is a deep conditioner that you can apply just once every week along with the regular usage of Hairfall Control Shampoo and Conditioner to add some extra strength and extra shine to beautiful hair. You can even apply it while enjoying your power nap.

You know what? For some as precious as you are to us, you deserve even more gal. So we came up with Open Hair Pantene’s Oil Replacement just for you, created with the blend of Pantene's Signature Pro-Vitamin Formula and is infused with Fermented Rice Water. This unique formula nourishes your hair from root to tip, making Pantene Open Hair Miracle a multi-purpose miraculous product that you can use anytime, anywhere!

Practicing Sleep Hygiene is a long road to take but it’s all the more fun when you have Pantene’s Advanced Hairfall Solution range to accompany you.

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